
A favorite combination: Orange & Pink

Oh, how I love you orange and with a dose of pink you are so pretty. This swatch board is based on that color combo. So here you go-

A. Full Bloom in Orange from Amy Butler 
B. Orange/Ripple Stripe from Amy Butler
C. Tangerine/Dream from  Amy Butler
D. Munki Spots by Heather Ross from Reprodepot 
E. Mingling/ah09 gold from the Garden Party Collection by Anna Maria Horner 
F. Cathedral/ah21 Zinnia from the Good Folks Collection by Anna Maria Horner
G. DC3901_Petal Mod Blooms from the Andalucia Collection by Patty Young 
In other exciting news, here are some of my first sprouts of the season:  
 *yellow pear tomato
I am so excited! The garden is starting to sprout....

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